5 Marketing Technology stories you might have missed 10-6-12

Marketing Technology Stories you might have missed

Back in the saddle after an enjoyable week vacationing in our nations capital. it was my kind of vacation, lots to do with a little bit of downtime. Relaxing is okay, but I get more satisfaction from getting stuff done.

Not a lot of big stories this week, but a LOT of stories you might have missed. I struggled to whittle it down to 5 and Lynette DeWitt told me I had to give you 6. So 6 you shall get.

MT5 Edition: #56

Stories This Week: SoMe doesn’t drive sales?, Facebook users can promote posts, Facebook sells more of you, LinkedIn endorsements, showrooming data and a bonus track

1.Social media doesn’t drive sales? A response

[LiesDamnedLies&Statistics] In an Op Ed piece Dirk Singer reacts to a Forrester report that says less than 1% of online transactions can be traced to a social media post.

My Take:  Less than 1% of online purchased are influenced by social media? That doesn’t sound right to me. Although I’m a Forrester customer, I’m pulling for the little guy in this one.  

2. Facebook lets Americans try promoting their posts

[engadget] Facebook is running a trial that let’s individuals promote posts. It feels very Reddit-like. Letting users “thumbs-up” builds more data and creates a new way of creating engagement among people you don’t know.

My Take: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, YOU are the product on Facebook. Need anymore evidence?

facebook promoted posts

facebook promoted posts

3. Facebook Sells More Access to Members

[WSJ] Facebook is experimenting with new ways to leverage its greatest asset—personal data on about 900 million people—reigniting concerns about privacy. The strategy: selling access to its users.

My Take: Wait. I already did the thing about “you being the product” right? As long as Facebook doesn’t sell personal information and as long as Facebook provides relative Ads and doesn’t spam users (any more than they are spammed today).  Users won’t bat an eye.  People talk about leaving Facebook, but it never happens.

Facebook is selling access to you

Facebook is selling access to you

4. Introducing Endorsements: Give Kudos with Just One Click

[LinkedInBlog] LinkedIn is starting to add new features and providing updated designs.  In the past week LinkedIn rolled out the ability to endorse the skills of members in your network.  They also rolled out a new design for Company Pages that looks remarkably like Facebook’s cover profile feature.

My Take: Regarding endorsements, it feels very “Klouty” to me.  Actually it’s better than klout because you can easily tie their skills to their work experience. 

5. Showrooming Is a Mixed Bag for Stores

[eMarketer] Is all the hand-wringing by retailers over the perceived threat of showrooming warranted? The answer, according to an August 2012 survey of adult mobile phone users in the US commissioned by mobile marketing company Vibes and conducted by research company Research Now, is yes and no.

My Take: Because I’m a mobile shopper the “show rooming” story continues to fascinate me.  What we can learn from this story is that different customers will use mobile connectivity differently. Personally, I’ve noticed that I don’t get reception once I step into Target.  My conspiracy-theorist self is convinced Target is ensuring 3G signals can’t get in their stores.

BONUS TRACK: Twitter ‘Surveys’ Announced Alongside New Nielsen Partnership

[Hubspot] Twitter is partnering with Neilsen to add surveys to twitter.

My Take: I like it.  So many features added to social networks are copy cats from other social networks. And while polls and surveys aren’t new, it’s never been integrated into social marketing like this before.  Twitter Marketers now have an option other than a promoted tweet or hashtag – and this has engagement.  It’s simple, easy and effective.

twitter survey

twitter survey

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